Privacy Policy – Yorkshire Bridge
Yorkshire Bridge Pty Ltd manages personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 and Australian Privacy Principles. Yorkshire Bridge Pty Ltd is committed to protecting the privacy of all individuals and does not collect personal or sensitive information unless it is reasonably necessary for the proper performance of our activities, tasks or functions.
We only collect information that is reasonably necessary for the proper performance of our activities or functions.
We do not collect personal information just because we think it could be useful at some future stage if we have no present need for it.
We may decline to collect unsolicited personal information from or about you and take steps to purge it from our systems.
This condensed policy applies to information collected by Yorkshire Bridge Pty Ltd
1.1. APP Entity
Yorkshire Bridge Pty Ltd manages personal information, as an APP Entity, under the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs). By following the links in this document, you will be able to find out how we manage your personal information as an APP Entity under the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs). (Please ensure you are referring to the latest version of APPs)
Because we are a contracted service provider to a range of Commonwealth, State and Territory government agencies, it sometimes becomes necessary for us to collect and manage personal information as an Agency under different privacy arrangements.
If you wish to know whether this applies to you, please contact us.
1.2. Information Flow
When we collect your personal information:
- we check that it is reasonably necessary for our functions or activities as a consultancy agency;
- we check that it is current, complete and accurate. This will sometimes mean that we have to cross check the information that we collect from you with third parties, which we won’t do without your consent;
- Information may also be shared with online employment marketplaces for the purpose of increasing the number of job opportunities presented to you for your consideration;
- we record and hold your information in our Information Record System. Some information may be accessible to our third party suppliers, refer to section 6. Disclosures;
- we retrieve your information when we need to use or disclose it for our functions and activities. At that time, we check that it is current, complete, accurate and relevant. This will sometimes mean that we have to cross check the information that we collect from you with third parties (not without your consent) once again - especially if some time has passed since we last checked;
- subject to some exceptions, we permit you to access your personal information in accordance with APP:12 of the (APPs);
- we correct or attach associated statements to your personal information in accordance with APP:13 of the (APPs);
- we destroy or de-identify your personal information when it is no longer needed for any purpose for which it may be used or disclosed provided that it is lawful for us to do so. We do not destroy or de-identify information that is contained in a Commonwealth Record.
Personal information that we collect and hold is information that is reasonably necessary for the proper performance of our functions and activities as a consultancy agency and is likely to differ depending on whether you are:
- a Candidate;
- a Client;
- a Referee;
- a Yorkshire Bridge employee.
2.1. For Candidates
The type of information that we typically collect and hold about Candidates is information that is necessary to assess amenability to work offers and work availability; suitability for placements; or to manage the performance in work obtained through us and includes:
- your resume or any registration paperwork(such as your contact details and other information you may provide in your registration form);
- information recorded when you attend our office for an interview or participate in a telephone or Skype interview with us;
- results of enquiries that we might make of your former employers, work colleagues, professional associations or registration body;
- For consultancy purposes: your previous work history, performance appraisals, qualifications, information about incidents in the workplace, your health information, personal history, opinions from referees, information in relation to absences from work due to leave, illness or other causes and our assessment of you as a prospective candidate;
- Information from third parties including any references about you, psychometric or competency test results or any information about any insurance investigation, litigation, criminal matter, inquest or inquiry in which you are involved;
- Financial information that allows Yorkshire Bridge to pay you should you be engaged as an employee or contractor, including your Tax File Number, superannuation account details, bank account details and other ancillary information that is required to fulfil contractual, legislative, filing and reporting obligations (including the payment of salary and wages);
- results of any competency or medical test we receive;
- performance feedback (whether positive or negative) we receive;
- any complaint from or about you in the workplace we receive;
- any information about a workplace accident in which you are involved we receive;
- any information about any insurance investigation, litigation, registration or professional disciplinary matter, criminal matter, inquest or inquiry in which you are involved we receive;
- any additional information about yourself you provide us with.
2.1.1. Sensitive information
Depending on the nature of the role applied for, we may need to collect and process personal information about you, including health and disability details; criminal records or membership of professional or trade associations.
We will only disclose your sensitive information (for example, your health information) for the purposes for which it was initially collected or purposes to which you otherwise consent.
2.2. For Clients
The type of information that we typically collect and hold about Clients is information that is necessary to help us manage the presentation and delivery of our services and includes:
- Contact and identity information (such as your contact details and other information you may provide);
- information on a role you provide us with;
- information in relation to a candidate you have met that you provide us with;
- Feedback that you may have provided in relation to a Candidate, or their performance on placement;
- information on a business, structure, contact details etc.
2.3. For Referees
The type of information that we typically collect and hold about Referees is information that is necessary to help to make determinations about the suitability of one of our Candidates for particular jobs or particular types of work and includes:
- information you provide us with about a candidate, their suitability for a position, a company and any contact information provided;
- Referee contact details.
2.4 For Yorkshire Bridge Employees
Personal information is held such as bank account details, address, tax file number, birth date, psychological profile, resume, references etc.
The purposes for which we collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information are likely to differ depending on whether you are:
- a Candidate;
- a Client;
- a Referee;
- a Yorkshire Bridge employee.
The following sections are also relevant to our use and disclosure of your personal information:
- Our Policy on Direct Marketing
- Overseas Disclosures
3.1. For Candidates
Information that we collect, hold, use and disclose about Candidates is typically used for:
- work placement operations;
- consultnacy functions;
- answering your enquiries;
- marketing services to you;
- improving our customer service, including customising the Yorkshire Bridge website in order to better suit your requirements;
- responding to enquiries or questions from you;
- training;
- statistical purposes and statutory compliance requirements;
- communicating our services, advising you of news and industry updates, events, promotions and any other relevant information. Where we do so, you will be able to unsubscribe from such communications;
- psychometric evaluations or skills tests;
- administrative tasks by third party providers who provide services to us, such as IT consultants and administration providers. Some third party suppliers may be located across international borders. These third parties comply with similar undertakings of privacy and confidentiality as Yorkshire Bridge.
- risk management.
Yorkshire Bridge Pty Ltd may also seek your consent to collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information for any other purpose not listed above.
If you do not give us the information we seek:
- we may be limited in our ability to locate suitable work for you;
- we may be limited in our ability to place you in work.
3.2. For Clients
Personal information that we collect, hold, use and disclose about Clients is typically used for:
- client and business relationship management;
- consultancy functions;
- payroll services;
- marketing services to you;
- statistical purposes and statutory compliance requirement;
- responding to enquiries or questions from you.
3.3. For Referees
Personal information that we collect, hold, use and disclose about Referees is typically used for:
- to confirm identity and authority to provide references;
- Candidate suitability assessment;
- consultancy functions.
3.4 For Yorkshire Bridge Employees
Personal information is used to help Yorkshire Bridge determine role suitability, learning and development, payment mechanism, ATO obligations etc
3.5. Our Policy on Direct Marketing
Yorkshire Bridge will advise you of news and industry updates, events, promotions, reports and other information. Where we do so, you will be able to unsubscribe from such communications.
These communications will be delivered by Yorkshire Bridge and no information will be provided to a third party for marketing purposes. Yorkshire Bridge does not obtain customer lists from third parties for marketing purposes.
Personal information may be used for marketing purposes, covering:
- The promotion of a candidates suitability for a specific role/s or in general to an organisation
- The promotion of Yorkshire Bridge services to existing and prospective clients
- This information flow will almost always be via electronic means
Yorkshire Bridge complies with the The Spam Act 2003.
The means by which we will generally collect your personal information are likely to differ depending on whether you are:
- a Candidate;
- a Client;
- a Referee.
We sometimes collect information from third parties and publicly available sources, such as LinkedIn, when it is necessary for a specific purpose such as checking information that you have given us or where you have consented or would reasonably expect us to collect your personal information in this way.
Sometimes the technology that is used to support communications between us will provide personal information to us.
We may also collect personal information about you from a range of publicly available sources including newspapers, journals, directories, the Internet and social media sites. When we collect personal information about you from publicly available sources for inclusion in our records we will manage the information in accordance with the APPs and our Privacy Policy.
4.1. For Candidates
Personal information will be collected from you directly when you fill out and submit one of our application forms or any other information in connection with your application to us for work.
Personal information is also collected when:
- you provide us with your resume;
- you attend an interview or participate in a telephone or Skype interview with us;
- via referees;
- you provide a profile / information to various sites on the internet, for example, LinkedIn and other social media facilities;
- you send or receive an email from us;
- we receive or give any reference about you;
- we receive results of enquiries that we might make of your former employers, work colleagues;
- professional associations or registration body;
- we receive results of any competency or medical test;
- we receive performance feedback (whether positive or negative);
- we receive any information about a workplace complaint or accident in which you are involved;
- we receive any information about any insurance investigation, litigation, registration or professional disciplinary matter, criminal matter, inquest or inquiry in which you are involved;
- electronically through our website;
- you provide us with any additional information about you.
We may also collect personal information about you from a range of publicly available sources including newspapers, journals, directories, the Internet and social media sites. When we collect personal information about you from publicly available sources for inclusion in our records we will manage the information in accordance with the APPs and our Privacy Policy.
4.2. For Clients
Personal information about you may be collected:
- when you provide it to us for business or business related social purposes;
- when you fill out and submit one of our online enquiry forms.
We may also collect personal information about you from a range of publicly available sources including newspapers, journals, directories, the Internet and social media sites. When we collect personal information about you from publicly available sources for inclusion in our records we will manage the information in accordance with the APPs and our Privacy Policy.
4.3. For Referees
Personal information about you may be collected when you provide it to us:
- in the course of our checking Candidates’ references with you and when we are checking information that we obtain from you about Candidates.
We may also collect personal information about you from a range of publicly available sources including newspapers, journals, directories, the Internet and social media sites. When we collect personal information about you from publicly available sources for inclusion in our records we will manage the information in accordance with the APPs and our Privacy Policy.
4.4. Dealing with us anonymously
Candidates are not obliged to give us their personal information. If you would like to access any of our services on an anonymous basis, please let us know in writing. If this is possible and lawful, we will take reasonable steps to comply with your request.
However, if you choose not to provide us with some or all of your personal information we may:
- not be able to provide a candidate with the full range of our consultnacy services.
- be more restricted in providing a particular candidate with a list of potential employment targets or positions; and
- decline to provide any further assistance to the Candidate.
Additionally, the candidate’s chances of being properly considered for a position may be reduced.
4.5 Photos & Images
We will not request that you supply photographs, scan photo ID, or capture and retain video image data of you in cases where simply sighting photographs or proof of identity documents would be sufficient in the circumstances. We will only request this when it is necessary to provide or obtain this evidence/proof of identification.
At times video surveillance which operates in or near our premises may capture images of you.
4.6. Electronic Transactions
You can visit our website and browse without the need to disclose any personal information. When you visit the Yorkshire Bridge website, we record anonymous information such as the date and time of your visit, the server/IP address, which page was visited and the information viewed and/or downloaded.
Sometimes, we collect personal information that individuals choose to give us via online forms or by email, for example when individuals:
- ask to be on an email list such as a job notification list;
- register as a site user to access facilities on our site such as a job notification board;
- make a written online enquiry or email us through our website;
- submit a resume by email or through our website;
- submit a vacancy description by email or through our website;
- connect via social media/LinkedIn etc.
It is important that you understand that there are risks associated with use of the Internet and you should take all appropriate steps to protect your personal information. It might help you to look at the OAIC's resource on Internet Communications and other Technologies.
Clicking on links and banner advertisements and RSS feeds may result in your transfer to another website, where data privacy practices may be different to that of Yorkshire Bridge. It is your responsibility to familiarise yourself with these privacy policies as we accept no responsibility for and has no control over them or any information or data collected by or for them.
External sites that are linked to or from the Yorkshire Bridge website are not under our control and you are advised to review their Privacy Statement. A link to a third party website is not an express or implied endorsement, promotion or warranty of the products or services offered by or accessible through that site or advertised on that site.
Users should note there are inherent risks associated with the transmission of information via the internet and you should therefore make your own assessment of the potential risk to the security of your information.
can contact us by land line telephone or post if you have concerns
about making contact via the Internet.
Personal information is held in our Information Record System until it is no longer needed for any purpose for which it may be used or disclosed at which time it will be de-identified or destroyed provided that it is lawful for us to do so.
We take a range of measures to protect your personal information from:
- misuse, interference and loss; and
- unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.
5.1. Our Information Record System
Your personal information may be stored in hard copy documents, or electronically on Yorkshire Bridge’s software or systems. Documents may also be printed out and held within our offices from time to time.
Our information record system includes the Capsule CRM, where candidate resumes, client documents and any relevant notes reside.
We also use Microsoft Exchange as the primary communication tool internally and externally. Our staff can remotely access our systems from smart phones and laptops. All data is stored electronically on the hard drives of the servers and uploaded to the cloud each night, we retain our data in the cloud.
5.2. Information Security
Yorkshire Bridge takes reasonable steps to protect the personal information we hold from loss, interference, loss, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.
There are a number of measures used to keep your information secure:
- personal information is stored in secured offices on a computerised database which requires a log in and password to gain access;
- all staff and third party suppliers are bound by confidentiality agreements regarding company and customer information;
- visitors to our premises are always accompanied by a member of staff for the duration of the visit;
- hard copy information is disposed of in secure bins and shredded;
- there is a mandatory password policy for laptops, mobile phones and portable storage devices;
- locks and security systems;
- computer passwords and limited access to shared network drives to authorised staff;
- virus checking;
- auditing procedures and data integrity checks;
- recording of file movements;
- security classification to identify information needing special protection.
The Internet is not always a secure method of transmitting information. While we seek to protect your personal information by implementing digital security systems in various parts of our website, Yorkshire Bridge does not accept responsibility for the security of information you send to us or receive from us over the Internet or for any unauthorised access or use of that information
We may disclose your personal information for any of the purposes for which it is primarily held or for a lawful related purpose.
We may disclose your personal information where we are under a legal duty to do so.
Disclosure will usually be:
- internally and to our related entities;
- to our Clients;
- other consultancy companies or intermediaries involved in managing the supply of personnel;
- to Referees for suitability and screening purposes.
6.1. Related Purpose Disclosures
We outsource a number of services to contracted service suppliers (CSPs) or third party suppliers from time to time. Our CSPs may see some of your personal information.
Typically our CSPs would include:
- Software solutions providers;
- I.T. contractors and database designers and Internet service suppliers;
- Legal and other professional advisors;
- Insurance brokers, loss assessors and underwriters;
- Superannuation fund managers;
- Background checking and screening agents;
- Administration facilitators.
We take reasonable steps to ensure that terms of service with our CSPs recognise that we are bound by obligations to protect the privacy of your personal information and that they will not do anything that would cause us to breach those obligations.
6.2. Cross-Border Disclosures
Some of your personal information may be accessible to overseas third party suppliers, such as software maintenance in the United Kingdom.
Where we transfer your personal information to related entities outside Australia, we believe that the recipients of such information are subject to a law, binding scheme or contract which effectively upholds principles for fair handling of the information that are similar in all material respects to the APPs outlined in the Privacy Act.
To the best of our ability Yorkshire Bridge Pty Ltd do everything possible to ensure that suppliers comply with their own countries Privacy Policy, the Australian Privacy Act 1988 and Privacy Principle and the Yorkshire Bridge Privacy Policy.
The costs and difficulties of enforcement of privacy rights in foreign jurisdictions means that it is impractical to attempt to enforce such rights. These suppliers only have access to information, they do not use any personal information.
Subject to some exceptions set out in privacy law, you can gain access to your personal information that we hold.
Important exceptions include:
- evaluative opinion material obtained confidentially in the course of our performing reference checks; and access that would impact on the privacy rights of other people. In many cases evaluative material contained in references that we obtain will be collected under obligations of confidentiality that the person who gave us that information is entitled to expect will be observed. We do refuse access if it would breach confidentiality.
We aim to acknowledge access and correction requests as soon as possible and commit to resolve all complaints no later than 30 days. However, there may be instances where this is not possible due to the contents of the complaint. In such circumstances, we will respond to your complaint in a reasonable and practical time.
7.1. Access Policy
You may request to see and have a copy of your personal information unless we are legally authorised to refuse your request. If you wish to obtain access to your personal information you should contact Lehia Johnston at or (03) 9913 8936. You will need to be in a position to verify your identity.
It may take us a little time to process your application for access as we may need to retrieve information from storage and review information in order to determine what information may be provided. We will generally respond to your request for access within 20 working days.
Where we are legally permitted to do so, we may refuse your request. If Yorkshire Bridge denies your request for access, we will provide you with reasons for the refusal.
We may impose a moderate charge to cover the reasonable costs of retrieval and supply of the information to you. Our Privacy Co-Ordinator will discuss this with you.
If you have a complaint about your access to personal information, please contact us.
7.2. Correction Policy
If you find that personal information that we hold about you is inaccurate, out of date, incomplete, irrelevant or misleading, you can ask us to correct it by contacting us. . We will generally respond to your request within 10 working days.
Yorkshire Bridge will take such steps as are reasonable in the circumstances to correct that information to ensure that, having regard to the purpose for which it is held, the information is accurate, up to date, complete, relevant and not misleading.
We may contact you from time to time to check that the information is still correct. Please advise your Yorkshire Bridge consultant when your personal details change.
If we have disclosed personal information about you that is inaccurate, out of date, incomplete, irrelevant or misleading, you can ask us to notify the third parties to whom we made the disclosure and we will take such steps (if any) as are reasonable in the circumstances to give that notification unless it is impracticable or unlawful to do so.
If you request your personal information to be updated and there is a dispute about the facts, we will make a note on your personal information of such dispute.
You may also request that Yorkshire Bridge stops using your information and contacting you and we will comply with your request. However, if this involves a request for deletion of your file, please be aware that we may not be required or able to do so, particularly where your file also holds information about our clients.
You have a right to complain about our handling of your personal information if you believe that we have interfered with your privacy.
8.1. Complaints procedure
If you are making a complaint about our handling of your personal information, it should first be made to us in writing.
- You can make complaints about our handling of your personal information to our Privacy Coordinator, whose contact details are or (03) 9913 8936.
- You can also make complaints to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.
- Complaints may also be made to RCSA the industry association of which we are a member.
- RCSA administers a Code of Conduct for the professional and ethical conduct of its members.
- The RCSA Code is supported by rules for the resolution of disputes involving members.
NOTE: The Association Code and Dispute Resolution Rules do NOT constitute a recognised external dispute resolution scheme for the purposes of the APPs; but are primarily designed to regulate the good conduct of the Associations members
When we receive your complaint:
- We will take steps to confirm the authenticity of the complaint and the contact details provided to us to ensure that we are responding to you or to a person whom you have authorised to receive information about your complaint;
- Upon confirmation we will write to you to acknowledge receipt and to confirm that we are handling your complaint in accordance with our policy;
- We may ask for clarification of certain aspects of the complaint and for further detail;
- We will consider the complaint and may make inquiries of people who can assist us to established what has happened and why;
- We will require a reasonable time (usually 30 days) to respond;
- If the complaint can be resolved by procedures for access and correction we will suggest these to you as possible solutions;
- If we believe that your complaint may be capable of some other solution we will suggest that solution to you, on a confidential and without prejudice basis in our response.
If the complaint cannot be resolved by means that we propose in our response, we will suggest that you take your complaint to any recognised external dispute resolution scheme to which we belong or to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.
By submitting your personal information to Yorkshire Bridge through any means, using our services or accessing the Yorkshire Bridge website, you consent to the use of information as set out in this policy. If you do not agree with any term of this policy, please do not submit any personal information to us or use Yorkshire Bridge’s services or our website.
Yorkshire Bridge operates in a dynamic business environment. Aspects of our business may change as we respond to changing law or market conditions. This may require our policies to be reviewed and revised from time to time. If we make material changes to our Privacy Policy, we will notify you by putting a notice on the “Home” page of our website at
Any information we hold will be governed by the most current version of our privacy policy. Your continued use of our website, services or continued provision of personal information to us once you have been notified of the updated Privacy Policy constitutes your deemed acceptance of the revised Privacy Policy.
Yorkshire Bridge is committed to working with you to obtain a fair resolution of any complaint or concern about your privacy.
If you would like more information about our privacy practices or have any concerns or questions in relation this Privacy Policy, please contact our Privacy Co-Ordinator:
Privacy Co-Ordinator
Lehia Johnston
(03) 9913 8936